- Adobe Illustrator
- Adobe InDesign
- Adobe Photoshop
- Autodesk Powermill CAD/CAM
- SolidWorks
Drawing Support
In line with the comprehensive engineering services we provide, fundamental to manufacture is the importance of accurate drawings.
We offer a drawing support service, be it from the early design stages of a product to proving the part and to establishing cost effective production.
Our design studio, drawing and programming departments are all networked to provide seamless transfer of drawing data from screen to machine.
An additional aspect of our drawing support services is our ability to reverse engineer components either from the component itself where no CAD data or drawing exists or to transform components made from other materials, such as metal or fibreglass into machined or thermoformed plastic parts.
For drawing support email production@arnold-aep.co.uk or telephone 01604 499 651.
 ISO 9001:2015